Friday, August 12, 2011

Would You Like To See These Diva Feuds?

Melina, Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim & Eve Torres vs The Nexus Vixens. Some Divas like Rosa, Tamina and Katylin will being a part of Nexus will help make the Nexus look very strong, more powerful & super expandable.

Does Family Feud with Steve Harvey come on the GSN?

I am an avid watcher of the GSN (Game Show Network) and Family Feud. However, the new season with Steve Harvey as the host never seems to come on the GSN. I even went to the Family Feud section of the GSN's website, and it doesn't even list Steve Harvey as a host. I'm just wondering, does the Family Feud season with Steve Harvey ever come on the GSN, and if not, why?


so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me...

What Would You Like To Be The Diva Feud Of Summer 2011?

I would like to see Melina vs. Kelly Kelly for the Divas Championship; but that won't happen. Maryse has sent Kelly Kelly several tweets on how she is coming after her title, so I'm guessing we will see Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly for the Divas Championship. As for Smackdown!, Layla won't be back for another 6 to 8 months. I would like to see Natalya vs. Tamina or AJ Lee vs. Alicia Fox as the main feud.

Girls-whats it like being a girl?

alright i know u get hit on by unwanted creepy dudes, but femininity is something i really dont understand. do u enjoy the fact that ur vulnerable? or what? why would u complain about all men being "pigs" and not caring about anything but sex, then get taken advantage of? im not trying to be sexist so dont be ignorant ya dumb hoes jkjk i kid.. but ive only been a guy and i dont get the point of acting like a delicate flower that deserves a butt load of attention pun intended, i love humans in generall unless ur a jerk i love girls and wouldnt take advantage of one

Doesss he like me or NOT.... HELP!!!!!?

so im friends with this guy and we only hang out when ever are parents hang out and we went to a concert together acouple days ago.. and im kinda confused ... he sat next to me and he would flirt like touch my leg or ask me questions about guys... and he would tell me he waned to hang out, or he would make me do say things to be funny... but then he would ask be if a girls is hot and that threw me off a little ...why would he ask me that... so we both started pointing out people for eachother.... idk if he only wants to be friends>>>>

What is your opinion of the Amish?

Aren't the Amish not supposed to use technology? I don't know what kind of Amish he was, but the ones I've met are nice, they don't drive cars or use electricity, You know the simple life.

Why are Kurt angle and Jarrett feuding?

Lol I haven't seen tna in almost 2 Years and this is my first time back watching it so I'm pretty clueless to everything that's happening now

Is western interest in Buddhism and Hinduism waning?

I do not know about Hinduism but I believe western interest in Buddhism is not waning in fact I think there is more interest.

I think I love him, but I'm crushing on another guy.....?

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, we've seriously talked about moving in together, marriage, etc.. for the past few months I've been playing doctor phil for a good guy friend, I've been having mixed feelings for him... I want to say I love my boyfriend, but with this other guy it feels special too. I've slept with neither of them, I'm waiting till marriage, so, sex is not an issue. I think my love might be waning.. We broke it off this morning and we're both hurting very badly over it. I just wanted a bit of advise and general opinion..

Looking for a music video...?

Oh, that's just Justin Bieber under disguise. This is the actual love life unlike what he says in his stupid, girly, retarded songs.

Why is my mom so cruel?

well i know its not ur fault , but she don't see it like that , all she sees is u didn't keep your end of the deal! . as far as a friends and girlfriend apparently something with that see don't like or she wouldn't use it against u !! sorry but just tough it out, unless u have charm!!!

Did I just have a bad church?

I think you should leave that church, and seek out a better one. While I do not agree with evolution, I would never treat you or anyone else who does like that. Best advice I can give is to pray, and God will show you a better way.

Can the US protect Taiwan from China? Can China get Taiwan by force? US cannot stop China to get Taiwan?

China is growing stronger and stronger and the US seems to be relatively on the wane. If so, then why US has pledged again and again that it will protect Taiwan? Can US protect Taiwan from China since China has so many weapons pointed at Taiwan that it can wipe out Taiwan entirely? Can China get Taiwan by force?

Thinking of singing my ex girlfriends favorite song to get her back?

i cheated on her (cause i was dunk as hell) and know shes so sad and i was to sing My Love by justin timberlake i was thinking buying her a ring flowers and chocolate and going to her apartment and sing in front of her apartment with my friends (i'm in a band and i song like justin) do you thing that enough for her to take me back i think she'll like it cause im usually a jerk so if i do this i think it will show my soft side

I need help finding a musical theatre audition song! I am a soprano! Help?

I am looking for a musical theatre audition song! Please help, I would prefer High Mezzo or Soprano. I can't belt well so I want to avoid any songs that show how weak my belt is. My range is F3-D6. I was going to sing I Enjoy Being a Girl from Flower Drum Song but I don't know if I feel comfortable with that song anymore.

HELP!!!!!! is he into me or not :/?

so im friends with this guy and we only hang out when ever are parents hang out and we went to a concert together acouple days ago.. and im kinda confused ... he sat next to me and he would flirt like touch my leg or ask me questions about guys... and he would tell me he waned to hang out, or he would make me do say things to be funny... but then he would ask be if a girls is hot and that threw me off a little ...why would he ask me that... so we both started pointing out people for eachother.... idk if he only wants to be friends

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does your dog like to sniff flowers?

i have 3 dogs and my 3yr old 11lb brussel griffin shih tzu mix is the only one that will sniff flowers! when we go on walks and there is a small bush with flowers she will stand up on her hind legs to sniff at the flowers it is so cute.i was just wondering if anyone elses dog does this?

Should I stop taking my Bubropion?

okay, So I have been on welbutrin for a couple months, there has been times when I wouldn't take it at the same exact time everyday. I started feeling REALLY irritable and it seemed that my husband would get on my nerves REALLY easy for no reason. I would also wake up at night with scared feelings being scared that I would hurt myself or something, no thoughts of "how" just fear that I would. I decided to stop taking the welbutrin. My anxiety peaked through the roof before the first wellbutrin free day so I took it that evening (I usually take it in the morning, it's bupropion 150mg sr tablet) I tried for about a week to wane off of it. My anxiety got a little worse and I felt like I should start taking it regularly again. I started 2 days ago. and I woke up last night feeling really strange and out of place, my anxiety was pretty bad and I just felt scared and felt like crying, really emotional. My problem here, is that I am in another country visiting my husband who is in the military, I am not approved to go on base so I can't see a doctor, I don't speak the language where I am at and my insurance will hardly cover costs off base. I don't know what to do, or where to begin. Should I stop taking tha meds? what can I do?? I won't be going home for a while and I am terrified of the stupid depression crap

Great topics to write outline about?

Any sport you like, a band/style of music, school, a person/celebrity, electronics, tv show, a pet/animal species, clothes, food/restaurants, me, your lover, an instroment,

How are men affected by abortions?

How do they feel about them? How do they feel about seeing their significant other going through it? I had a friend that went and had an abortion recently. It seems as if she did it because her man was going to be miserable having a child, even though they don't have any children at all. According to her he didn't discuss with her how it would effect her or the relationship, but he left it up to her to decide but waned her that he would be miserable having a child and that their life would be "over". After she had the abortion he seemed to be happy, but obviously she wasn't. She tells me he just sort of sits back as she cries in her bed and doesn't seems to know what to do. I feel like she dated someone who wasn't mature enough in the first place to think about how it would effect her if he really cared about her. But anyways...this made think of do men feel about abortions?

WWE '12 Wishlist; Do you agree? What would you add / take away?

Dude, you do rrealiseTHQ cannot put all of this in one game for the simple fact that WWE basically only gives them a year to spit out these games. Its not like they want to release an unfisnished game. They have to or they dont get their money. So the reason they cant put all of this in the game is because they simply dont have the time. Now If you ask me. I think they just need to go back to the smackdown controls all together and just bring back those old match types. I honestly dont care if they have to take out certain things or hell even tone down the graphics or whatever. But bring back the old GM mode and season mode. I like the idea of rtwm but it just sucks you can only play 3 months of WWE programming. WWE Universe mode is cool but really imo it isnt necassary. You might as well take it out and replace it with GM mode. Just go back to what made the games fun in the first place. We dont need these different controls. I think THQ thinks they have to be bold and different every year when the truth is, they just need to go back in time to what made these games rock, they dont need to add all this extra stuff to make it "realistic" I dont need a realistic wrestling game. If I wanted realism, Id go train to be a wrestler. Thats why I go to video games, to escape reality. Any way, yea thats basically my wish list

Will Christian always be the "Partner of Edge"?

I think so. Randy even said it himself on Raw that Edge has always carried Christian throughout his career. It's quite different seeing him without Edge, but I think something will happen on Sunday that will be phenomenal and make Christian be remembered as "Christian" and not "Partner of Edge."

Would George Osborne have made a good leader for the A Team?

he might as well make the most of his (short) time in that job because he more than likely will be back stacking shelves at Tesco's and as for his Hear,Hear poodle Danny boy Alexander who does not hear hear what his constituents say and want and bury's his rusty head in the westminster sand, they think that the public have quietened down about the cuts and the criminal cost of fuel in this country , everybody keep sending e mails to their mailbox keep flooding it

Is she serious or just teasing ?

This girl is hiding be hing her phone. It's east to have a relationship like that. She's keeping you at a distance by not meeting you but keeping you hanging on by all the sexual remarks. I think she is playing mind games with you and I think you need to move on Unless your hiding behind your phone too.

I'm trying to come up with a catchy name for a paper origami flower business. Any Ideas?

I want something unique and simple, so people remember it easily! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

She's a senior, I'm a freshman?

So there's this girl. She's going to be a senior next year and I'm going to be a freshman. I started hanging out with her and her friends in November of this year. I feel like we're really close friends. I've never really addressed the possibility that I'm some little kid to her, but I feel like she doesn't think of me that way. We hang out at least 3-4 times a week currently. It waxes and wanes, but for the most part it's pretty consistent. Anyway, I recently started to have a thing for her and now I'm falling head over heels. I don't know if I should tell her because I'd rather keep a close friendship with her than lose that and have things become weird between us if I tell her. What should I do? I feel like even though we're friends the chances of us being anything more is slight because of the age difference more than anything else. I just don't know what to do. Help me out here.

What does this symbol mean?

I've seen this symbol a lot, especially in Japanese tattoos, it looks like the silhouette of a flower with a swirl in the center. I was curious as to what it meant. Is there a specific name or story behind the symbol? Here's an image of an MMA fighter who has it tattooed on his shoulders for reference -

What do you think about Rock's tweet about CM Punk? + 2BQs?

Rock is right. WWE is a business and those who sell are booked to be in the main event. Rock & Cena makes the money needed to keep this company going. Dont get mad at The Rock because he is just doing his job and following his script. Everybody loved the Rock/Cena interaction this year. Then when the match was made, they didn't give two looks at it as Rock shouldn't be in the ME and other guys should. Now when Punk says something, now Rock shouldn't be in the match. Im a Punk fan but come on. This is common sense. Its not Rocks fault the booking isn't doing a good enough job of handling things better.

How long have you been with your partner and has teh sex waned/dried up?

I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years. I'd maybe even say that our sex life is getting better. We sometimes have little conversations about sex..and one time I mentioned that (according toa site I go on) 1/3 of American women claim they have faked an orgasm more than once. She hand on heart said she'd never do that. and things like that make me feel so much closer to her...the more I fall in love with her the better the sex is. :)

Someone help with this movie title?

ok i know its vague in all but i need help and it is NOT lord of the rings im 20 and i watched this movie when i was young and also it was not a series anyway here is the best i can describe ok so when i was younger i watched a movie and i wane to see it again but i dont know the title plz help its bout a few ppl mainly a girl and a boy or 2 im not sure how many and its based on a magical world um they r extremly superstitous in the movie with black cats, walking under ladder, mirrors, you know the whole bad luck good luck it had goblins and trols and other mythical creatures i cant remember them all in it um about the most prominant feature i can remeber off the top of my head is it was on VHS and it was in 2 or 3 parts and the total movie was somewhere round 8 or so hours long i know it was a very long movie for its time and they had 2 make 2 tapes if not more just to fit the whole movie into a set and it is only one movie just to big to put into one single tape and i know its not much to go on but how many movies are 8+ hours long so um plz help me any and all titles you can think of would b greatly appriciated also it is not the never ending story idk the name but i do know it isnt one of those

What cause an amgiuous brain phenominon such as a tingling sensation in the head?

I have had this tingling sensation on my crown of my head and practically all over that is certainally connoting my impaired memory and loss of cognitive abilities and concentration; it usally motions when inhaling in-- begin to feel a numbing sensation in two line following my nostrils on the forehead or even or further into the head-- but not out, ( compelling me to breath through my mouth), eyes exposed to light as computer, hearing loud music, when washing my head with warm water in shower or anything warm that it comes in contact with. However, it wanes when resting my eye or sleeping, but i retrieve it again after 4 hours or so. This is awkward because i am having this for past little over month and not having any mutation in my behavior or vision, im not having any seizures, everything, but these problems, seems rather normal. i dont believe that it is tumor and this not a joke, lol.

Any phones to suggest me to buy?

I have only owned one smart phone, but the one I have I like allot. I have the Samsung Focus touch screen phone, with Windows Phone 7. All Windows 7 phones are also full fledged Microsoft Zune HD mp3 players as well. There are many great apps on the phone, and a very cool YouTube app that allows for high definition viewing. There is also a full keyboard for typing, and texting as well. And it offers spell check to. The Samsung Focus has a great build quality, and has good audio quality. And the best part of all, is that I can hear people talking to me on it. (Some phones are a bit to quite for my liking.) And yes, Windows phone 7 has copy, and paste also.

Do you think WWE has been getting good?

Except for Capitol Punishment. the past couple weeks, WWE has been doing good and interesting with Punk getting suspended and leaving there are some good feuds and MITB looks like it will be a good ppv, what do you think?

Whats WWE trying to do here? make us get bored of Orton vs Christian matches?

Now I like Christian but this is ridiculous. Same goes for Orton he needs a new heel to feud with. Its either that or WWE cant think of any other ideas.

Wrestling section why do people say John Cena and Hulk Hogan are alike when Cena's a better human being?

Seeing that John Cena has not gotten into trouble with his wife, I would say he is better person. But when Hulk was cena's age, how good was he with his wife.

On a scale of 1-10 ... How much do you expect Cena to get booed at the Money in the Bank PPV ?

Yea, but this was in a different country all together, Canada. Canadian fans are smarter, no offense. You ever notice that whenever the WWE holds a show outside of the US, Orton and Cena get boo'd?

Kyle Busch shook Kevin Harvick's hand after the race in Sonoma?

Harvick holds grudges, if you'd ask him if it's over between him and Busch in 20 years he'd still say no.

Help, I'm an extrovert trapped in an introvert's mind?

I must come off pretty rude because, for the majority of the time, whenever I see someone I know I want to say "hi" and have a short conversation with them but my anxiety goes up and I end up ignoring them. I always promise myself that the next time I see that person I'll talk to them, but in the heat of the moment I just can't. I know what to say -- it's all in my head; I play it over and over -- however in the heat of the moment, my body gets tense and my brain and mouth just shuts down. I never start conversations, but when others talk to me first I'm always alright: smile, make eye contact, strong voice because I know that they want to talk to me. Usually though, the conversation does not last too long before I start acting like my old nervous self again. And the next time I see them I know I should talk to them but, again, my anxiety goes through the roof. It's just very hard to keep that continuous stream of confidence and sometimes I feel myself getting better, but other times I feel so isolated. In the end, the trend is waxing and waning downward and becoming more difficult over time. It's frustrating, because I want to make friends and have fun but it's really difficult to just let go of my expectations and be free and spontaneous all the time. People must think that I have something against them, or that I just want to be alone but that is definitely not true. But that is what I feel everyone, even my parents, feel of me.

How can i convince my parents to let me get my lip pierced?

Ok, now please on comment saying what would you want to that for or any of that. i'm 13 (and yes i know you think thats to young) I asked my mom last sumer at age 12 to get my nose pierced and she said yes however my dad wouldn't let me, only that summer my mom told me she would rather me get my lip done then nose. So i asked for my 13 birthday and she said no becaue i am to young (doesnt make any sense). But i've waned to get it done for so long, i am responsable my parents trust me, they always say i am a good kid, so please dont tell me anything like be responsable. My mom hates facial piercings, my dad just thinks im to young. I was thinking of maybe writing them a persusaive letter, what do you think? And if i do should i suprize them with it or try and make deal say somthing like,"how about you give me the chance to persuade you with a letter" i think they would both be impressed with a letter. Do you have any other suggestions,or ideas for the letter? Any tips or anything would be very helpful thank you!

There has been a lack of Ron Paul questions this election cycle. Is his popularity waning? If so, why?

The media is at it again all but shutting him out, FOX included. However, I don't think at all that his popularity is waning.

What should I get her for a present?

Me and my cousin are very close. She converted me from Catholic to Protestant. Anyways, I remember when we were little, I had promised her flowers. I know I'm going to get her flowers, but should I get something else? I was thinking maybe earrings or a necklace?

I had a dream of this kind of storyline...your thoughts?

I was thinking about the spoilers for Raw and stuff and well leading up to MITB, I could see a McMahon/JohnCena feud happening... coz with John basically helping Punk keep his job...well whats left of his contract anyway, Vince Mcmahon seemed to get bitter and threaten to fire him if he loses at MITB because he doesn't want the Wwe Title to go anywhere else. Thus being said, John Cena accepts and is basically too nice as usual...mcmahon calls out John for it saying stuff about John Cena that usually haters say about him "that he's lost his edge, watered down, and too soft." (which is NOT true but thats my opionion, sorry but I stand by John Cena face or heel, rapper or not so don't hate on me for being a loyal fan who will NEVER ever betray him like most has..i cant wait til he's heel coz while u haters basically bow down to him...I'm going to call you all out saying quit kissing John Cena's *** like ur really a fan of his coz your not...if you stood by him face or heel since day one...THEN you can actually call yourself a Cena FAN! If not, your a Cena Bandwagoner ;)...hey the truth hurts! HAHA anyways back to the storyline i had a dream of for some reason...) Upon Mcmahon telling him this, John Cena gets roughened up and is like "Well you know what I think vince? I think cm punk was actually correct on EVERYTHING he said about u! But he was wrong about one thing.......I don't kiss ur ***......I KICK UR ***!!" and he really lets out alot of frustration on mcmahon and crap and John Cena is like "u wanted ruthless agression..u GOT ruthless agression!"..........your thoughts? lol.

Girls really need your help?

bro dont post this one will read all of this garbage and then you wont get any real answers, know what i mean?

Does he like me ??? HELP?

thats a trick question he asked you...Asking a gurl if another gurl is hot is a bad question and a trick question....obviously if u were straight you would say no..but if u weren't straight u may say yes...don't be confused..

Want this quotation in hindi?

Iska Matlab hain. Jab-2 sanaar main paap badta hain. tab-2 main duniya main bagwaan ka avtaar behjata hyun. duniya ke raksha kee liyee. Paap aur dhram ka santulan banayee rakhnee ke liyee.

When I was a child my mother had flowers that produced a seed pod that?

when you squeezed it, it would pop and curl around your finger. She called them forget me nots but I do not remember them looking like what I see labeled as forget me nots today. Is this the same plant?

What are some certain twists that make a story not cliche?

to answer your question, twists in a story that arent cliche are things the reader would never expect, cliches are predetermined, already established, so simply avoid these and you will have more or less come up with something original, go nuts! Take what people would expect and add mayhem! Dont belimited by them. i dont think asking people what they would like to hear will help as i can guarantee a good few people are likely to suggest cliches, simply their own romanticised version of them.

The need for lawyers to work out a legal agreement between the flower nursery and the butterfly farm contradic?

the need for lawyers to work out a legal agreement between the flower nursery and the butterfly farm contradicts an important requirement of ( arrow's impossibility theorem, the Laffer curve,the Coase theorem)- namely, that the parties experiencing an externality must be able to(bargain at zero cost, go to small claims court, agree upon an equitable initial distribution of rights).Neverrtheless,private solutions to externalities do not always work. One of the primary occurrences of this is when communications barriers or customs are important enought relative to the potential gains involved that (the market system has a crisis, a private solution is not feasible, the government must step in). which one it correct.?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What should I do, I'm so confused?!?

This is normal. Sometimes people think they "like" a certain someone soo much and want to be in a relationship with them. But then when u r in the relationship, all tht feeling tht u had for them, just starts to fade little by little. Now, you're saying he is a great guy, so dont let him fall in love with you. I think you should tell him as soon as possible before his feelings for you get stronger. Just be truthful, sit and have a long talk with him. Tell him excatly what is in your heart. You probably will hurt him at first, but it's better to tell him sooner than later.

Anger getting the upper hand?

i wane rip someones head off i am having a very hard time handling my anger and i might kill someone that looks at me wrong music ant helping anymore i think i am going out my mind

I need a list of figurative language in Flowers For Algernon!?

Either try your luck with sparknotes, or do your own homework. Not many of us here have a copy of the book on hand, and none of us want to peruse the book for figurative language so you don't have to do your homework.

How do you react when you feel your significant other disrespects you?

I was just curious as to what other people's reactions are. My boyfriend is usually a great guy but sometimes, usually around his guy friends, he says things that I believe to be inappropriate. It is usually remarks about other women or something to that effect. When this occurs, I feel slighted and can feel my affection for him wane. I become withdrawn and cold, I don't want to talk. I don't believe this to be an issue about insecurity, I can acknowledge that there are indeed other beautiful women in the world and that my boyfriend is going to be attracted to some of them. I just don't believe that he needs to acknowledge it in my presence or that he could word it differently so as not to offend me. I would never speak about another man, in that way, around him so I expect the same. Ordinarily, I usually get over these "incidents" in a pretty short amount of time, my boyfriend never really knowing outright what I'm upset over or even that I'm upset but he can sense from my behavior that something is amiss. Other than his remarks, I think he is a great guy and I can overcome the hurt I feel from these "incidents" because of how great he is in other aspects of our relationship. I was just wondering how other people would react to a situation like this and if anyone had recommendations for how I could handle this. I am not a confrontational person and I don't believe that I should have to tell my boyfriend when he does something "wrong" unless he is unaware that it is unacceptable.

How do I get a start from my vine?

I do not know the exact type of vine on my chain-link fence but it is very leafy and has no flowers. I love this vine and want to get a start from it to move to another fence in a different location. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Thank You!

What are some good songs that had horrible music videos?

any music videos by the black metal band Immortal. I love them, but their videos are SO damn laughable!!

HELP!!!!! does he care?

so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me...

Could Daniel Bryan be built up to be the next CM Punk?

Since Punk is leaving in the foreseeable future, would you sat that if Danielson was built up properly, he could fill those shoes? I mean he is obviously the best technician in this industry. What are your thoughts? Bryan Daniels does need more feuds and the ic or us championship, and more mic time. Thoughts?

Girls really need your help?

bro dont post this one will read all of this garbage and then you wont get any real answers, know what i mean?

Who is the best cell phone company?

Ok so I've been with tmobile for a few years now and my contract is up this month so I waned to know what everyone thought the best phone company was before I resign so if you could please tell me how much you pay a month how many phones are on your line and if you have unlimited text calls and Internet thanks

What do you think of my in-depth Raw MITB predictions? *SPOILERS*?

Well for RAW I have my money on Alberto Del Rio. Something tells me that Del Rio could cash in on CM Punk just before he walks out of WWE with the title...Not saying Punk will win the WWE Championship match but all I am saying is Alberto Del Rio is my pick to be RAW's Mr MITB.

HELP! does he care....?

He just trying to get some stank. Your different then the types he mess with so yea he's going to approach you differently. Leave him right where he;s at. ont ruin your life with him. Sounds like he's going to end up gettin u prego on smoking. Good girl gone bad. So say he do get your stank, he will continue to be a player and doin you, and you will get mad cause your going to be d*ck whipped. Girl walk away. I can see it now ,walk away

What do you think, it's about an enemy?

Well, Impressive! I love the grit wit and spit .More, more, more! and MORE!

Which camera is better?

Canon,because it would be more professional and It could take very good Pics and you can check out sites,reviews,videos,etc for more information but in my opinion I like the Canon,But the others are Great too depending on what you would like and the advantages. Good luck finding a camera and Happy holidays (:

Chris Jericho possible return?

With the match at MITB being if Orton gets DQ'd he loses, could Jericho come back and screw him out of the title and if this isn't true about the match is it still possible. I know it isn't likely but you never know, Jericho is ending his tour with his band soon so he may be preparing for a return to feud with Randy Orton for putting him on the shelf for so long!

I m 24 male and my knee hurts sins i was little.?

some times wen i walk it makes a click sound and hurts badly and some times wen i walk there is a sharp pain and cant walk any more and wen i walk a lot in the day it pains but the day after it hurts very badly so bad i wane cry.can some tell me whats wrong pleas my doc say its growing pains

Is it over?im really ~~!??!?

why do you keep saying he hung up on your face? this paragraph is a bunch of rambling, nobody is going to read this... ask your friends for advice hun we don't know the situation...

How would I include paganism into a wedding?

have a word with the registry office and ask them how they conduct a pagan wedding first. i think it's a lovely idea by the way. more true to out ancient beliefs than christianity.

Am I responsible for our break-up?

it seems like no matter what you wont be enough for him if he has to spend his time chatting with half naked girls.. im sorry but its best you went your seperate ways, you deserve a guy who appreciates you more

Does anyone else think Tony should have went back out & wrecked Vickers so he couldn't finish the race either?

Vickers gets upset when drivers race him the exact way he races everyone else. He's going to piss off the wrong person and get himself whipped by somebody one of these days, and though I'm not one to condone violence I can't say I'll feel sorry for him when it happens.

Girls really need your help be honest?

you alomst dont have enough information to help out. but it sounds like she could be depressed and its blocking everyone out of her life. you should try to go out west and find her. ask family friends, anyone. and go see her. she probably would really appreaciate your support.

Best looking bike that i wane know witch you like?

You cant go wrong with any of these bikes. But as far as looks go. The older ninja and honda are equal, the muffler on the new honda ruins the look, the hyosung is always 3rd.

What is the underlying meaning here?

I have a boyfriend of three short months. He's already told me he loves me and all the things women love to hear. But he has been suspiciously busy lately and I graciously took the hint. I have waned my communication with him to end this like two adults. Last night, he texts me for over three hours offering to take me away this weekend, and to a concert at the House of Blues tomorrow night. He told me repeatedly that I am "the most wonderful woman [i] have ever met ... ever" Only problem, compared to the past two weeks, he would regularly spend the night with me, we'd go shopping together, make dinners together, watch tv, share massages, and sometimes just enjoy sleeping next to each other ... now, he wants to slow things down a bit and we haven't been intimate for almost two weeks ... without getting beat in the head, all signals point to a good-bye ... am i reading this correctly? ... tho i can't imagine why he wants to take me to a concert tomorrow night or take me away this weekend ... just too confusing for me ... thanks for any good thoughts you may have about this :)

How far will this CM Punk issue go?

CM Punks speech was a storyline. He doesn't want to leave because he is being mistreated, he is leaving because he doesn't want WWE to own his name because he's always used it during his career. No, CM Punk was not out of line he voiced his views even it was scripted. Yes, he get's reinstated next week. Maybe

WrestleMania 28 Fan Card?

That would be a much welcomed rise for Ryder, especially considering that Miz was working against Cena at the last WM.

People think I like him but I dont, what should I do?

Ok so theres this guy and I found out his combo and I thought it would be funny if I made a huge thing out of it. The whole thing got so big and all of a sudden everyone in the grade knew his combo. My friend wrote all over my planner my name heart his name & some "popular b**ches" saw it n I got all mad at my friend (we are still friends though). The guy changed his combo and we stopped really speaking to each other because we used to talk when he found out. Now all of a sudden while I was in a vc with another "popular b**ch" she said, "So I heard you like (his name)." I don't like him and I never did. We are on summer vacation now. The whole feud with him and the thing on my planner was a few months ago but people still think I like him when I don't! He even told my friend its so obvious that I like him but that doesn't really matter to me as much as having some girl say that to me and ask if I like him or if I did like him. What should I do I am literally about to cry and now have so much regrets of "stalking" him even though it was so fun.

Is it illegal for photographers to post pictures of you without your permission on their sites?

My ignorant redneck brother in law and his fiance are in a feud with a local photographer (one of those "businesses" where someone chooses a name and then charges for mediocre pictures). His fiance took a picture off of the photographer's FB where she displays her recent works for the families to preview the pictures before choosing a package to purchase. She edited it to display her children's names and turned it black and white. The photographers assistant asked her if she did this and asked when she'd be purchasing a package seeing as what she did was copyright infringement without doing such. My sister in law replied saying she didn't change it (it was very obvious she completely did) and that its her FB and she's adult and can do what she wants. The poor photographer put a post up later reminding all her clients that copying, pasting, and editing photos off her page is illegal unless purchased. My sister in law wrote on it saying "and with this being said you also need to know that it is illegal to advertise our family photes to other people that should be private. if you where professional you would no that you need to remove my family photoes from your page." Yes, I know she sounds completely stupid. Anyway I was just wondering if what she is saying has some truth to it? Also, the pictures taken were actually for her cousin and grandparents and they were just able to sit in on it. She claims she shouldn't have to purchase a package when she only liked one picture.

Ex husbands mother wants to see grandchildren?

im not sure on what to do as my ex husbands mum wants to see her grandchildren even though they have hardly seen them they roughly see them twice a year maybe 3 times a year this was even before the divorce, the kids aren't really themselves when around them i think its because they hardly see them. during the divorce there has been allot slagging off towards me sometimes this was in the presence of my children. my ex husbands no longer has anything to do with his mum due to a feud, now i no for a fact that if i don't accept the offer of my children seeing the grandparent then she will get solicitors involved, just dont know were i stand on this one and i dont want to put my children through any stress off seeing them as they dont want to see them but i dont want to drag it through court if i havent got a good case, also i may add that they are not blood grandparents as my husband is adopted by them. please help desperate for some advice.

Should WWE just get rid of the brand split?

What's the point? We see RAW guys on Smackdown and vice versa. Mark Henry (SD) is feuding with Big Show (RAW). I think its time for WWE to swallow their pride and admit that they have fallen and no longer have enough talent for a brand split.

Would this outfit be cute for a 4th of july party?

You would probably look really good in that outfit! Adding a flower a head band would make it better but I can't decide which you should use.

HELP!!!!! does he really like me?

so im friends with this guy and we only hang out when ever are parents hang out and we went to a concert together acouple days ago.. and im kinda confused ... he sat next to me and he would flirt like touch my leg or ask me questions about guys.. lol he would just stare at me and smile ... and he would tell me he waned to hang out, and he would make me do say things to be funny... but then he asked me if one girl was hot ...why would he ask me that... so we both started pointing out horrible people for eachother idk if he only wants to be friends??

Help! really need help with this ?

i font think so that a girl who never likes that guy has ever a phone sex..i think you are thinking so seriously.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

IS This Poem Horrible (Does It Emanate Any Feelings)?

I have to agree with my sis, LC and wonder always why any include their age, but more I wonder why so many of the young or new, so often start by saying a ting is bad???

Help with a movie title i forgot?

ok i know its vague in all but i need help and it is NOT lord of the rings im 20 and i watched this movie when i was young and also it was not a series anyway here is the best i can describe ok so when i was younger i watched a movie and i wane to see it again but i dont know the title plz help its bout a few ppl mainly a girl and a boy or 2 im not sure how many and its based on a magical world um they r extremly superstitous in the movie with black cats, walking under ladder, mirrors, you know the whole bad luck good luck it had goblins and trols and other mythical creatures i cant remember them all in it um about the most prominant feature i can remeber off the top of my head is it was on VHS and it was in 2 or 3 parts and the total movie was somewhere round 8 or so hours long i know it was a very long movie for its time and they had 2 make 2 tapes if not more just to fit the whole movie into a set and it is only one movie just to big to put into one single tape and i know its not much to go on but how many movies are 8+ hours long so um plz help me any and all titles you can think of would b greatly appriciated also it is not the never ending story idk the name but i do know it isnt one of those and unfortanetly it is not hocus pocus remeber ppl it is almost over 8 hours long its not a short movie and it is an older one not black and white but it does have colour also the graphics if i remeber correct and the acting were pretty good for the time period it was made plz help i have the urge 2 watch it but i have no idea what the name of the movie is it is also not the labrynth and it is a single movie but 2 long to put on a single VHS so they had to put it on 2 VHS movies plz help thnk u much

How much does it cost to fix my lawn?

Hello. Recently my dad felt the need to rip grass off my lawn and try to replace it. as you can see he had no idea what he was doing. So my question how much would it cost to replace this grass. i plan on hiring on somebody else to do it but i would just like to have rough estimate. ive taken photos and its not my whole lawn just parts of it. Also would it cost to hire a gardener to do this and maybe add some flowers. thanks for the help

During the Christian/Orton feud, was it the right decision to turn Christian heel rather than Orton? Why?

Yes if they turned Orton heel Christian would have to be the top face of Smackdown and he can't do that. Randy Orton was drafted to Smackdown to be the top guy so turning him heel would make no since. Plus Christian is a better heel than face whereas Orton can play both parts pretty well.

I keep ending up with jerks and it's really bringing me down?

I was in a 6 year relationship with a sociopath who was physically and mentally abusive to me. I ended the relationship back in November of 2010 and it was very difficult to feel I could date again. Finally I met a doctor at a party a few weeks ago. He sent me a letter shortly after saying that he had a crush on me and wanted to date. He was completely different than all the other guys i've dated. He had an education, a good job, clean cut, sweet, fun, etc. I was really into musicians and artists for a long time and people around me urged me to stay away from those types because I had been hurt for so long by my ex as well as others before him. So i've been seeing this doctor who brought me flowers, paid for everything, invited me to concerts, sporting events, vacations and everywhere i dreamed of going. Then on our last date he told me he was in love with his ex and only wants to be friends with me. His ex im convinced only wants him back because she seen he was with me. I'm completely devistated yet again and I don't know what I can do. It seems I've met people of all different types, ones who look like freaks and make no money, to ones who have tons of money and respectable jobs. I've dated near 40 men in the last 18 years and I always seem to end up the girl on the backburner. Everyone wants me until their ex's come back into their lives. It's really depressing me. I'm in therapy where they only tell me to have higher standards for men, but you see where that got me when I dated a doctor. I just feel so down and medication isn't even helping me. I don't know what I can do to get out of this rut and meet someone who wont dump me for their ex. I have a good job as a surgical assistant, I run my own business, I'm a model, musician, and writer and I think I have many things to offer but no one ever gives me a real chance. I've been through a lot and when I finally pick myself up again I get let down and it just gets worse and worse each time. Can anyone help me or give me some advice on how I can break this cycle?

I heard that John Cena wants CM Punk to stay in the WWE? What this real?

I heard on a website saying that John Cena convinced Mr.McMahon to allow CM Punk to feud with him before he leaves WWE.It also says that Cena wants Punk to stay in the WWE. Is this true?

What's a "good", recent, book?

While it may not be recent, a good series of books that i am working on right now ( now on the fifth and final one) is the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. They are a thrilling escape into a fantastic world full of danger, suspense, action, and adventure. I strongly recomend these books for their enthralling captivity into the realm of one of the best literary novels ever conceived.

Did CM Punk once again proved that he is the best mic worker in wwe history?

Not even. He's one of the best, but you have got to be kidding me if you think he's the best just from that scripted shoot.


I've been w/ my bf Mark for 3 yrs but I cheated on him when his friend Joe poured his heart out to me and told me how he's liked me since the day we met. The thing is I never had sex w/ Mark b4 but I did w/ Joe and he was my 1st time. I kept telling Mark I wasn't ready. After receiving helpful advice on this situation, I started to wonder if I love Mark or if I am in love w/ Mark. I love him but Idk if I am in love w/ him. I honestly think I may want Joe. Mark cheated on me after I told him the truth (I caught him & some girl making out/undressing) although he says he stopped it & it didn't go further. I am upset about it but I hide it around Mark b/c I know I started it. Mark & I started to reconnect but I know he's hurt & things probably won't be the same. But Joe showed up on my porch w/ flowers & saying he likes me. It took everything in me to walk away. What is your opinion on this? I'm thinking I should fight for Mark, but Idk...I had my first time w/ Joe & not w/ Mark. That kind of means something. I left out all the details but could you give me your input? Joe even asked me if I was sure b4 we did it & I said yes. What should I do? Should I fight for Mark or be w/ Joe? HELP! Thx

Is it racist to only date white men?

No. Youre not racist. Maybe asian guys don't find you attractive so this is your excuse for not wanting to date them or blame them because they're not good enough for you

I am dizzy from past 5 days due to marijuanna ,,, is it normal ,, i have become very weak and sleepy too?

i took marijuanna with a ciggaratte 5 days ago i am still dizzy and cant concentarate i wane be normal again ,,, plzzz help

Ex husbands mother wants to see grandchildren?

im not sure on what to do as my ex husbands mum wants to see her grandchildren even though they have hardly seen them they roughly see them twice a year maybe 3 times a year this was even before the divorce, the kids aren't really themselves when around them i think its because they hardly see them. during the divorce there has been allot slagging off towards me sometimes this was in the presence of my children. my ex husbands no longer has anything to do with his mum due to a feud, now i no for a fact that if i don't accept the offer of my children seeing the grandparent then she will get solicitors involved, just dont know were i stand on this one and i dont want to put my children through any stress off seeing them as they dont want to see them but i dont want to drag it through court if i havent got a good case, also i may add that they are not blood grandparents as my husband is adopted by them. please help desperate for some advice.

Where to find a MAC lipstick dupe and Semi Precious collection?

I noticed the Fashions flower collection is done and i cant find Summer Shower lipstick anywhere, and im not buying one off of ebay. Anyone know where i can find a dupe? Any kind? Its a minty green lipstick if no one knows what Summer shower is. And btw when does Semi Precious Collection come out?

Isn't this proof for the Rapture just eyeopening?

The only right thing I see in there is the 2000 licks to the center of a tootsie pop. I counted and got that!



My girlfriend just got a strap on dildo and a double headed dildo and waned to come oer to use them on me?

i thought a girl would have to be a lesbian or at least bi to want to do this but i am straight and have actually thought about doing it. do straight females do this kinda thing with other women or em i just having 1 of thoughts "want to experiment with other girls" moments? what do you think?

Ladies!! Dating a single mom?

I am trying to get to know a single mom. We talk on the phone just a bit, text some. She doesn't always return my calls/texts. I sent her flowers to her work a couple weeks ago and you would of thought I gave her a million dollars. I had a dinner date set up, but she had to cancel for legit reasons. I thought of dropping off on her front steps a box of little gifts like bubbles, sidewalk chalk and a few other things that her and her young child can play with? Is this too much? Thanks!

Paranormal romance series set in school?

Vampires Rule by K. C. Blake is really cool and parts are in school. The author also has a teen witch book set in school starting in August. It will be avail. at Smashwords and Amazon as ebooks and at Amazon in print. You can read sample chapters here: a href="" rel="nofollow"

One on One Roleplay partners?

I role play but I only role play over AIM. My screenname on that is pinkfairyleader. If you'd like download AIM and we could possibly get a role play started.

I want to sign my daughter up for ballet..................?

I will start off by saying, that I am a 14 year old girl. I have always waned to do ballet, but my acting schedule has conflicted so much, that i couldn't. I DO NOT have a daughter right now (in case anyone jumped to conclusions), but when I do have a child, it is my dream for her to be a ballerina. What should I expect? The training? The hours? Is it expensive. Tell me everything you can about ballet, because I know nothing about the elite world of dancing. I don't know if this will be a major problem, but I also want my daughter to follow in my footsteps, and be in the acting buisness. Acting, also takes a LOT of time. Will the schedules conflict a LOT. Will it be so bad that she may have to choose one over the other? Thanks!

I saw a ghost in my brothers room, what do I do if i see it again?

If you see it again, just do the same thing. And what Chaos said, about using a wigi board-- don't do it. Wigi boards are dangerous things which should not be messed with. If you use a wigi board, it opens up a portal to the other side. When no one is home but you, get a digital voice recorder and hold an EVP(Electronic Voice Phenomena) session, ask it questions like "Who are you?", "What are you doing here?", "Why are you here?" etc. etc., and wait about 10+ seconds until you ask another question.

On what wwe dvds can I find...?

All three matches from the legendary ric flair vs terry funk feud. If there not all on one dvd then tell me which ones they are on!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Left My fiance for and Airman....?

three months ago i left my fiance for an airman. I have known the airman for 3 years a year longer than i knew my fiance. We had always been great friends but there was always feelings deeper than just friendship between us and we both knew that...but because he was always deploying I decided that I couldn't deal with that at that point in my life so we remained friends..the airman has always been so sweet to me and even when i told him i was engaged he wished me the best and said he just waned me to be happy even though he wanted me....Soon after i was engaged though my fiance turned into someone i didnt even recognize. He became really mean and started talking down to me all the time...He would tell me how i couldnt and couldnt spend my money and always try to make me look stupid in front of his friends and family..he began to turn into someone i didnt the time my airman was deployed to Kuwait...we talked online often because well we were still friends....i told him what was going on and he told me that I didnt deserve that at all...we talked more and more as his deployment went on and he told me that if i wanted to be with him to meet him at the airport when he came home....and i did just far our relationship has been so amazing..but my friends are constantly giving me hell for breaking things off with my fiance..was I in the wrong for doing this??? or was it a smart move to make?

Bedroom theme idea? Opinions?

I like the white mod look in the second link. You can set it off buy some hung paintings with bold flower print or a paisley throw. The color could be monochromatic like the minimalist overall look or used as a bright focal point.

Where do you find poetry? c/c?

Yowee this is a way cool piece and I'm not tryin to be flip. I think this was well nurtured and attended to as it bloomed. and I have missed a lot of yours lately.

Left my fiance for an airman?

three months ago i left my fiance for an airman. I have known the airman for 3 years a year longer than i knew my fiance. We had always been great friends but there was always feelings deeper than just friendship between us and we both knew that...but because he was always deploying I decided that I couldn't deal with that at that point in my life so we remained friends..the airman has always been so sweet to me and even when i told him i was engaged he wished me the best and said he just waned me to be happy even though he wanted me....Soon after i was engaged though my fiance turned into someone i didnt even recognize. He became really mean and started talking down to me all the time...He would tell me how i couldnt and couldnt spend my money and always try to make me look stupid in front of his friends and family..he began to turn into someone i didnt the time my airman was deployed to Kuwait...we talked online often because well we were still friends....i told him what was going on and he told me that I didnt deserve that at all...we talked more and more as his deployment went on and he told me that if i wanted to be with him to meet him at the airport when he came home....and i did just far our relationship has been so amazing..but my friends are constantly giving me hell for breaking things off with my fiance..was I in the wrong for doing this??? or was it a smart move to make

Google reading my gmail messages!?!?

I'm not sure if any e-mail services don't scan your e-mail. Basically some robot finds words/phrases like "eating out" and puts all the ads related to eating out. Google runs on that - it does that in searches too. That's how it makes money - smart ads. Don't worry though, humans never read it.

Pisces, what would you do if....?

Always talk to her in private not in front of other people.Otherwise she will feel in a very bad position.Be nice,don't force her to open up.It would help alot if u tried to help her with just simple things,she would trust u much faster.Also,show that you can be secretive,this is something that worries pisces people a lot. They are afraid that people could give their secrets away.

Do you think wwe is lame for having the anti bullying ads?

I started thinking about this last night. They air the "anti bullying ads" & than they have Mark Henry come in the cage & kick the Big Show's ***. The Nexus is a good example that you gave. To tell you the truth the bullies I had when I was growing up made me a tougher SOB when I got a little older. The PG rating I will never understand.

Is it wrong that I'm glad someone i don't get on with has lost the use of her legs?

I'm sorry. I think you are a *****. We all hate people some of the time, but, we never get around to actually crucifying them in our minds. You have actually lived the reality of this. I cannot judge you, because that would mean judging me, but, I hope I am never happy to see a compatriot in that state. Sorry.

So Melina pisses off yet another diva Backstage? (Guess who + Thoughts and opinions)?

Wow. Team Gail! Melina has caused problems with soo many divas. She made some divas change in the HALLWAY. She's caused too many problems with nearly every diva in the division (and even divas like Candice, Ashley..etc) and if I were apart of the division right now, I would flip on her.

Would acrylic paint work on plastic?

For a flower or herb box as an example. Want to be creative and add details. Not just spray paints if possible.

If you were a Superstar or a Diva...(More Inside) ??? +WQ?

If I were I diva, I would be a babyface like my favorite Kelly Kelly. The down side to being a babyface in the WWE is that they never get to be WWE Magazine's "Jerk of the Month."

I'm driving from Buffalo to Washington DC and wondering if there are any must see sites along the way? Thanks.?

Looking for the best way to drive from Buffalo to Washington where we might get to do some sightseeing along the way...places to stop, places to avoid, fastest route etc. We are a group of firefighters if that flower shows or knitting shops if possible...Thanks

Should I include work experience from my parents on my resume?

honestly why not? if your trying as hard as you can to find work right now and haven't had any luck, its a good thing to try. many people have done it. note* cus I know full well not having no work experience will get you no where...

Why do so many people like lil wane even though he can't sing or rap and just uses auto tune?

Beats me bro. If anything they are just a bunch of people riding on his dick because of his overconfidence of calling himself the best rapper alive, just trying to get that same image of "Me vs. The World" so he can get that same Tupac imagery. And I guess also because he can rhyme these lines and they wont even make sense. In Carter II he was trying to get that gangsta type mentality that everybody liked or seemed that it was cool? He just proves to those Rap haters that rap is just rhyming random words when really its not. RIP Mainstream Hip-Hop and Rap :(

I want two pet rats really badly but...?

I currently have two dogs. Also, I've had a bunch of guinea pigs over the years but my last one just died about a week ago :'(. I asked my mom if I could get pet rats (we already have a suitable cage, toys, food bowl and water we wouldn't need to buy anything) and she said I couldn't, even if I paid for everything :( When I asked why, she just said we're done with small, furry animals. Even if I wanted another guinea pig or a hedgehog, hamster, rabbit, ferret...she said she would still say no. But she won't tell me why. I've bee cleaning my house like crazy and being super nice to everyone and helping out and everything to try to convince her to say yes for a few days now (but I haven't told her why yet). The next time I ask her, I am going to set up a cage with stuffed animals with name tags (presumably my future pets) holding gift cards, a rat fact sheet, etc and there will be a flower in a pot in the cage, too. I will make the pot and plant the flowers. I will give all of this to her as a gift (aka bribery). How long should I wait to do this? Do you think it will work? What else can I do to get her to say yes?

All the waning lights on my 1993 80s seiries come on?

petrol and gas are the same thing if all the warning lights came on at or near the same time then check the alternator and battery connection's

Does he care or is he a player?

so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me...

Did u miss old Nexus?

I never was their fan,but now i am missing them.They made big impact,and the feuds with raw were good.

Meaning Of Lotus Flower (Buddhism)?

I'm reading mix versions of what the lotus flower means in the religion Buddhism. I've read it means the puirty of speech mind and body? That right?

Paternal rights. Not sure if mine or not. ?

I would go talk to an attorney in your area since all laws are different in different states and such. Where i live you can file a paternity action and get court ordered dna to find out if you are the father or not....but your options could vary depending on where you live.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Who should these WWE people feud with in your opinion? BQ?

Personally I'd rather see Sin Cara and Rey feuding. Sin Cara keeps botching because no one can keep up with his moves, Rey is another high flyer that's pretty fast in the ropes. I'd like to see those go at it.

Piscean women in "true love"...or long term relationship/marriage...?

I am a 3rd decan pisces. I am in a relationship with a gemini man, he is the only one i have ever had, my first and i really hope he will be my last. Anyway, we don't seem that incompatible after all. We have been in an almost 2 year relationship and we are (hopefully) getting engaged this year, in a couple of months actually. I can only tell u to b patient, your time will come and u will find your match. Don't b down, love is hard to find and keep but with lots of courage u can do it

Who Do You Think Maybe The Next WWE Divas Champion? What About TNA Knockouts Champion?

I do agree that either Kelly or Beth will be next, both are beautiful and talented and both deserve the title but im guna say Beth. I feel like she is guna be the dominant diva she was and put the bellas in their spot. i think a heel turn for beth down the road would be very interesting and feud with Kelly Kelly and Kelly takes the title.

Does WWE seem boring since the draft?

I'd like to see Rey Mysterio Vs Sin Cara, but WWE is planning on Sin Cara being a new face super hero.

So is it time WWE puts the US Title belt on Sin Cara?

Right now Ziggler is champion and he is still feuding with Kofi. Hopefully they clash at Money in the Bank and then Sin Cara is then elevated to mid card status. The crowd obviously is ready for him, WWE has him on a long streak. Do you think it is time for Sin Cara to chase gold? I would like SIn Cara vs. Ziggler at Summerslam, but knowing WWE they wont do this.

What a surprise!!!Sangakara is not even in top 60 in all time best test team?

ICC is going to declare all time best test team because 2000th test match is going to be played for which ICC has declared a list of 60 players.But surprisingly Sangakara is not selected as wicket keeper.He is such a great wicket keeper batsman that anyone can easily select him as wicket keeper in any best test team.He has a batting average of 56 which is highest by a wicket keeper.But surprisingly ICC who keeps record of world cricket has described Andy Flower as highest batting average holder as wicket keeper which is 100 % false.Sangakara has even far better record than Gilchrist.Average of 56 brings him in the category of legend like Sachin,Pointing,Lara etc.So without any doubt Sangakar is best wicket keeper batsman ever in world.Sangakara is better than all ten wicket keepers selected by ICC.

What does "dog" mean in dog daisy. (flower)?

not 100 per cent sure but i seem to remember there is a connection with " wild " , dog rose also .

What WWE Feud/Storyline should have NEVER Happened?

Chavo and Hornswoggle feud.. IT turned Chavo into a COMPLETE joke.. It should've never happened, considering how good Chavo is. Ugh, Chavo is so misused by WWE it's not even funny.

Ever been in a building with a tin roof ?

Yes I have one on my party house. Great place to cook out on a rainy day. My grills are out there. and a fireplace. Or sleep on a rainy night. In the hammock.

Don't like her any more but still get jealous - is this normal?

You could just be the jealous type.. or your not really over her.. or perhaps you have some protective feelings toward her. For example, my best-friends happen to be guys and when I see that the women they are starting to dig is a hoe bag I get a little defensive. You want to protect the people you care about.

How to deal with a friend who won't stop talking and calling! I'm at the end of my rope of patience!?

I've known my friend for 15 years, we live in separate states now. Our friendship has waxed and waned in closeness over the years, but lately she's been calling EVERYday. She goes on and on about trivial things and going into endless detail about simple tasks. I've tried listening, commenting on her activities and stories, asking questions, saying nothing, mono-syllable answers, changing the subject, trying to get in a word edgewise about my life, and flat out not answering her calls for a few days. All to no avail! I make an effort to keep the monotonous details in my life out of our conversations, so I'm tired of being the one she calls just to fill the time. I need my space! I do want to keep her as a friend, I would just like our relationship to be less "clingy". I'm uncomfortable with being "%itchy" about her chatter so am I encouraging this behavior? Is she only talking to fill the void in conversation? Any phrases that would help change our style of conversation so I don't have to be the one always dashing off the phone to prevent another detailed catalouge of her day?

I CHEATED ON MY BF - IT WAS MY FIRST TIME!!! (10 PTS)!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I've been w/ my bf Mark for 3 yrs but I cheated on him when his friend Joe poured his heart out to me and told me how he's liked me since the day we met. The thing is I never had sex w/ Mark b4 but I did w/ Joe and he was my 1st time. I kept telling Mark I wasn't ready. After receiving helpful advice on this situation, I started to wonder if I love Mark or if I am in love w/ Mark. I love him but Idk if I am in love w/ him. I honestly think I may want Joe. Mark cheated on me after I told him the truth (I caught him & some girl making out/undressing) although he says he stopped it & it didn't go further. I am upset about it but I hide it around Mark b/c I know I started it. Mark & I started to reconnect but I know he's hurt & things probably won't be the same. But Joe showed up on my porch w/ flowers & saying he likes me. It took everything in me to walk away. What is your opinion on this? I'm thinking I should fight for Mark, but Idk...I had my first time w/ Joe & not w/ Mark. That kind of means something. I left out all the details but could you give me your input? Joe even asked me if I was sure b4 we did it & I said yes. What should I do? Should I fight for Mark or be w/ Joe? HELP! Thx

Need the name of a flower that blooms at night, yellow flower, green thin leaves like a dandelion?

Found a picture, but all is says is Arizona flower! we would all gather as kids to watch them open at dusk Would love to find some.

Something that can kill ants? (pls. something that's not popular)?

Something that can kill ants. Not toxic and better if you can put in on the skin. Not a lotion or any brand of insect repellent but something that's like found on leaves or flowers or fruits or anything. Please give the scientific name if you know. For a project. Gotta invent something. if you don't know anything just give something unpopular that's invented. :D

Do you think there's a chance that Brock Lesnar still might return to the wwe and feud with John Cena?

I know i am going to get answers like he won't return but there could still be a possibility that the cm punk promo could lead to a return after Summerslam and Heyman could be reveal as the general manager of raw.Just like with The Rock and Bret Hart never say never.

Obama and Osama Bin Laden?

I think your trying to find a conspiracy theory where there is none. The Muslim Brotherhood is by definition a terrorist organization and the US doesn't negotiate with terrorist organizations. President Obama just continued what George W Bush and even Bill Clinton were doing when they left office. This might have more to do with your political leanings.

Does my daughter have a chance of getting money that was promised to her?...?

My 18 year old daughter to a concert with an ex-friend (17 years old) and were waiting to see the bands they waned to see. While waiting they decided to see a psychic for fun. The psychic told her friend that she would die at 80 years old which made her completely freak out and said they had to leave. My daughter worked for a month to pay for the concert and did not get to see a single band she wanted to. In addition, my daughter paid $80 for the concert ticket, $25 for parking, paid for gas, and drove. Her friend did not offer to give her money for the parking or gas money. In addition, my daughter even loaned her money to pay for the psychic which caused this whole problem. As they were leaving my daughter was devastated and cried because of missing her once in a lifetime opportunity. Her friend promised over and over again that her mother would pay her back for the money. However, it has been several weeks with no sign of returning the money. My daughter emailed her friend's mother yesterday and wanted to discuss if she would get the money back. My daughter was accused of being selfish, when she could have stayed at the concert, which was very very unsafe for a small girl to be alone at. The mother emailed my daughter back saying there's nothing she is going to do because she had the option of staying alone. Her mother apparently would rather have my daughter get raped or hurt alone at this concert than keep her promise of returning the money. Does my daughter have a chance at taking this to small civil court to get the money that was promised to her?

Isn't the Feuding within the GOP showing more every day?

Yes, but don't get your hopes up because the Republicans are always able to present a united front when they finally settle on whoever they will back. Remember that the rank and file will do exactly what they are told to do and the leaders will always put up a solid front.

Do emotions wax and wane?

I will feel something very strongly one day, feel like i get burned out and feel little for a period of time. When i stop wondering why and stressing, the emotion comes back with a vengeance. Why do emotions wax and wane?

Do you think this will happen at MITB?

Yes it might take place but I think this might also happen at MITB whoever wins the RAW money in the bank will probably cash it in on the same night after cm punk wins the wwe title, that way cm punk can't take the wwe title with him.Last year the smackdown mitb winner, kane, cashed it in on the same night at money in the bank ppv.This year I think the raw winner will cash it in against cm punk.Maybe alberto will win the mitb and beat punk for it, thus setting up Alberto vs Cena at summerslam 2011.

NEED ADVICE!!! I am in love with my fiance's best friend....?

You have to tell him the truth no matter how much it hurts him. Other wise your cheating yourself out of loving someone else.

Do you think Mordecai should return and end Undertaker's Streak once and for all?

Yes. Mordecai is great and needs to end that ridiculous Streak. Undertaker is a poison to every young talent, and needs to put over Mordecai at Wrestlemania.

Does he actually like me or only wants some buutyy?

so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me...

Wedding flowers?? HELP?

I am getting married in Summer 2012 in Memphis TN. Our wedding is going to be "southern themed", with our colors as orange and yellow. I would like to use dafodils into my decorations but I do not know what other flowers to use. Any other cool decoration ideas and/or pictures would be nice too!!

Ok so we know there is a randy orton dvd coming out called the randy orton experience i just waned to know?

I'm almost positive that Chris Benoit won't be featured on the DVD. Since WWE had separated themselves from him for the last 4 years, they have to reason to start featuring him on DVDs and TV again.

What do you think of my attempt at poetry?

I loved your whole concept in this poem, one or two forced rhymes but did not detract from the message. Loved it

I feel so DESPERATE , like i wanna be some one else. any one else?

I'm sorry. The same thing is happening to me. It sounds like your in Jr.High or High School. Since your young, it just might be your over emotional. You could even be bi-polar. There is nothing wrong with that though. Just don't be irrational. And make a new friend, get a boyfriend/girlfriend. They'll help you through. And the more time you spend with your friends and sometimes family, the better you feel. If nothing helps, tell your parents and ask to go to the doctor. You might have depression.But it's okay if you do have that. Also, your perfect just the way you are. Whenever you feel down, listen to music. Perfect by Pink helps me get through. Your beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you different! Hopes this helps!

Your thought Mass. immigrant advocates applaud Conn. for giving free college educations to illegals?

It just gives more illegals an invitation to cross the border. For them to be upset with Massachusetts is such a joke. MA has debt of $26 billion and a $5 billion budget deficit. That's all they need. An influx of illegals.

I keep having dreams about my ex boyfriend?

You are unable to forget him.You are definitely going to meet him.But do not expect any restarting of relation.In dream he had returned jacket and walked away.The relation is over.



What specs should i check in a DSLR camera for macro shots?

With dslr cameras there are no Macro specs, that's all in the lens. What you should be looking at isn't the camera at all for macro specs, you need to be looking at lenses because the camera body has nothing to do with any lens specs.

How can I get GOD to hear me?

Ok, Im tired of praying, and tired of being humble to no avail. I'm constantly in a state of depression. My life is not where I want it to be and its getting worse everyday. I've been a devout christian for all my life and my belief has waned. Should I not believe in GOD? Should I believe in any religion? I don't know, I'm even contemplating suicide...

Cheated on her with her best friend ?

OK so two years ago I dated this girl named Emily. Emily has a friend named Alyssa OK so I was going out with Emily for a bit and during that time period I was also talking to Alyssa. Me and he would message back and forth and I would say things like Emily was a mistake and I like you 100x better and she would go along with it. Until like about Easter when they were hanging out at another girls house and were reading each others messages and Emily read my and Alyssa messages. She called me and for some reason she asked me to forgive her because she said she wasn't good enough so I said OK but I waned to make sure Alyssa was OK so I asked to talk to her and she was fine with it and then after I knew she was OK I hung up. A couple weeks later Emily and I broke up for other reasons and Alyssa chose another Guy over me. Two years have passed and I've had 7 gf since and Alyssa stayed with that one Guy. But now the odd thing is even thougth I cost her her best friend she still talked to me on a regular bases she always wanted to make sure I was happy and the a few weeks ago she told me that she felt bad about the way things played out between us and wanted to know if I still had some feelings for her and I said yea so she then said I feel bad and said sorry I told her idc if your not with me as long as you are happy and she said what about you and I told her not to worry about me. Time passes and things didn't change even thougth we hardly see each other but recently she told me that she loves me and regrets what happened. And this girl isn't a supermodel she has average looks and a personality of gold. So what do I do should I see how things play out or should I make a move on her or what she's still with the other dude. Will choose best answer.

Really Annoying Friend?

I am in grade nine and am a guy and this school year i became friends with this guy and he seemed pretty cool until he started being really annoying and a friend of his told me that he had gone off his ADHD pills and now i really don't want to be around him because he is acting like a mentally challenged kid am i wrong for not waning to hang out with him

Brett hart will be apart of a new wwe storyline which one of my ideas do you like best?

The second idea, because the other feuds are horrible. I don't like Bret Hart, though. I would rather not see him in the WWE anymore.

Sunspots and earth's moon. help please?

Google is your friend, at least then you are putting research into your homework instead of just having it answered for you. :-)

Nail art design? Help?

So I live to paint my nails a lot but I want to make them different looking? Does anyone know how to do designs such as flowers?

Need some legal advice after bad family feud.?

I am a 20 year old male, and after a dispute with my 19 year old sister I am now having to seek legal advice. After owing me money for considerable period of time and with no sign of ever getting it back I took it upon myself to do something about it. So I returned home and took her laptop off her until she decided to start paying me some of the money back. She then reported the incident to the police, at which point they said they were't particularly bothered as it was a domestic dispute but they would pursue it if she wanted to continue. Not content with leaving it there, she handed the police roughly �250 worth of class A drugs and �100 class C and said that they were mine and that I was bullying her and forcing her to sell them. She then presented to the police her phone with supposedly angry text messages from me asking for money etc. which have obviously been taken wildly out of context as I obviously wanted my money back that she owed me. Also, much to my downfall, I did in fact help her get the drugs in the first place by making the contact for her. She has also saved messages on her to phone to that effect also. However, the police so far have no way of proving that was ever my phone and it could very easily disappear if it would help the case. The police are now trying to locate me as I have left in the midst of the family rift and I'm assuming they're wanting me for the supply. My sister has admitted to possessing and selling some of the drugs but only under the guise of been forced to sell them by me. I'm seeking this advice pre-emptively so I know what to expect and what I should do as I'm pretty sure there's absolutely no proof I'm responsible for any of this. Cheers.

What does it mean to "push off the East Coast?"?

The meaning of "pushing off the East Coast" is generally meant to convey that an eastward-moving cold front (or southeastward) will move off the coast of the United States and into the Atlantic Ocean. This is because the vast majority of cold fronts move eastward, southeastward, or southward.

How much should/would i get paid per day/hour ?

to water 20-27 plants( trees,bushes,flowers) i was think 12-15 plants every other day so not to over water them. what do you think?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Does he care about me or not?

so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me...

I jut turned 14....????

Underage pregnancies never turn out well. Wait until you're old enough, or if you don't want to wait, use condoms.

Could this be the real reason behind the Cena Punk feud?

An invasion angle. Let's say Punk wins and kayfabe brings the title to ring of honor. WWE reinstates Cena to get the title back. Setting up an all out ROH invasion just like what happened with real ECW(ROH now is no bigger than ECW was then).

The miz and riley 10 points?

I think that taking the belt from Miz was a mistake. He's the perfect candidate for the classic Ric Flair storyline. Where Ric, the cocky arrogant and hated champ would lose to a plucky challenger in a tag or non-title match. This would show the fans that the hated heel champion *could* lose to the challenger. But when the big PPV title match comes up Flair (or in this case Miz) would win by the skin of his teeth. The result was the challenger now has credibility (he beat the champ in the non-title match and almost beat the champ for the belt) and the hate champ keeps the belt, and they line up the next opponent, rinse and repeat. I think such an arrangement would help in making new stars and also keep a lot of heat on Miz. It would be folly putting Riley over Miz at this point. Riley isn't totally over yet (Miz is) and Miz is far more marketable at this point than Riley is.

Can he actually care or not ?

so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me...

Will the new Republican leaders of the United States see fit to remove from history books the period from?

The republican plan boils down to giving big business whatever they want.. And middle class wages and benefits aren't part of that plan.

When the Moon is on an observer's meridian at 9 A.M., the Moon is in the ____________ phase.?

The Moon's position would be less than 90� from the Sun and proceeding it (west of the Sun). The Moon would show a waning crescent phase.

What you would like to see next from CM Punk?

If this is a storyline where would like to see his actions take him too. I would love to see feud with CM Punk and Vince McMahon.

We were really good friends so why is he being like this ?

my friend who i adore dated a girl online-he lied to me and told me she was from the uk he also said he never sent her money-he did �800. he said i accused him of lying-he was i only found out because he needed me to fix his cv on his email. i feel like ****. for the last 2 years ive been a constant source of financial and emotional support to him yet he thought more of this girl that played him. she was strinkingly beautiful but he sent her the airfare this week and never heard back yet he has ignored me, we had a huge row over his lies-he denied the lot and yet I had to send an apology email which he still hasnt replied to. at first he used to respect me a lot but this has waned over time. what did i do so wrong-will he rely-does he still value me ?

My zucchini flowers died before they opened up for pollination?

Trying to grow zucchinis in my apartment where the balcony allows enough sunlight coming in. The plant was fine and it started flowering a bit later, but two flowers were able to reach to certain size then they died before they could open up for pollination.... Just don't know why. Does it need more fertilization? I water it everyday and it faces the sun in a room temperature.. Please help

...Ruins......................… poem.?

I very much enjoyed the piece and you deserve the accolades. I have only one minor suggestion and it wouldn't damage the piece at all. Everywhere you use "Try" you also use "and" my suggestion/opinion is to switch out "and" for the word "to"

I'm loosing my mind with this quy - any tips/experience/ something?!?

Having done all that still u have crush for him and u like by core of yr mind and heart so explain him with clarity what u like and dislike . Ignore when he react in a manner not preferred by you and forget / forgive with continued interest without breach . Allow time to pass

Is clinginess a turn-off for Aries?

I'm an Aries guy (with moon in Libra) and I find that clinginess is a huge turn-off. I mean, I could like a girl but once she starts being clingy, my interest wanes. Anyone else find this?

Boyfriend hasn't seen her over a week and broke a promise?

He is working on night shifts as a Doctor while my cousin works as a Teacher and as a karate instructor during the evening. They have been together for over 3 years. They haven't been able to seen each other other a weekdays and on the weekend he works during the day for the past month. Her boyfriend promise her that he will see her on her birthday. She was happy that he would be able to take the time to see her but when her birthday came she went to the office and she receive her favorite flowers from him. She was really happy when she came to the class room but when she open the letter that received with the flowers it says that he couldn't be able to be there for her on her birthday. She started crying and her students look worried. They had a fight and now she is at my house for the weekend. Do you think it is just a misunderstanding and her boyfriend really cares about her because I talk to him over the phone and he said that he was sorry and explained why he couldn't be there. He said that he is working over time to get a wedding ring for her. I was shock at what he said and he told me not to tell her anything. He wants to see her on Sunday evening at the park. Now with my cousin, how do I tell her to get together with him because she refuse to even see or talk to him. She is a stubborn as a mule and I want to get her together with him. Should I lie and plot a trick to make her see her?


FOR PSP PLZ HELP I WENT TO WELCOME BACK AND IT SHOWS A PICTURE I SCROLL TO THE RIGHT AND IT SAYS NO CONTENT WAS FOUND PLZ HELP.even though it says welcome back please pick 2 free games i waned little big planet and infamus HELP PLZ

Am afraid he doesn't like me no more :((?

at first i knew he liked me, bcos u always know when some1 likes you back right? i did, i knew he liked me so well.. but after asking me out and i said no, and him going 2 his ex sending her flowers and chocolate asking her back, i know he said sorry, and i think the only reason why he done that was bcos he was scared that i still liked my ex and there was a possiblity of me and him getting back 2gether, that why he told what he done..he even went shopping online for me, getting me clothes bags and shoes.. but i still found it hard 2 trust him, i never knew that if u keep on talking about ya boy that u like ex, that pushes them away and makes them want to go 4 them. so i called him 2day to say sorry and everything but everytime i talk bout how much i like him he trys changing the subject or when am telling him how i feel i keeps quiet 2 listern when am done he takes a deep breath in :( but am afraid i've push him to his ex that he doesn't like me no more,but i want him to.. so plz what should i do to tell him that i've changed and make him like me more than his ex or anybody :(( HELP THERE PLZZZ

Anyone know any good short stories about fairies/faeries?

I was wondering if anybody knows any famous or good short stories/literature ABOUT fairies. I am not talking about fairy tales, I am talking about stories about women with wings that live around flowers. Preferably I am looking for short stories I can read online and preferably dark or scary stories since I can't go to the library now that my fine is fifty dollars, and I like stories that are scary. But preferably not stories about vampires or directed at teenage girls or four-year-olds. Basically, something intelligent, if that exists. It does not HAVE to be a story that is online either.

If a basil plant flowers and you pinch them off, will it continue to grow leaves again?

I was admiring the flowers that popped up on my basil plant this morning. Then I found out that when they flower, they stop growing leaves. Is there a way to get it to grow leaves again?

Did anyone else know that shaq was the one who started the fued with Kobe?

@ King James go read it on wikipedia yourself it tells the whole story from beggining to end shaq was didn't want kobe taking his shine.

Is anyone else SURPRISED by how much the fans cheer for ALEX RILEY?

No, I'm seldom surprised when a heel, that was bullied by their partner, turns face and attacks their now former partner and is cheered by the fans. In fact, I expected him to be cheered and make a face turn ever since Miz started bullying him or blaming him. But I am actually a fair bit surprised that he's getting quite a lot of fan reaction. Especially during Cole/Miz and Riley segments.

Who else agrees that Smackdown is hurting without Edge?

As some of you may know, Orton was promoted to being positioned as the new face of Smackdown, due to Edge's sudden retirement. But apparently speaking in a quiet, terse tone, randomly hitting an extremely overrated finisher, and walking around with an over used gimmick isn't cutting it. Christian is good as a heel, but it does seem he may be lacking a certain "it" factor. Or, it seems that way due to having him feud with personality-less Randy Orton. But anyway, ALSO due to the fact that in the past year in addition to Edge, WWE lost Batista, Shawn Michaels, and since Taker and HHH are on a hiatus, there is no one else to fill the role. Now on to my question. Edge had it all. He had charisma, character, he was a really good wrestler, and he could put anyone over. So, don't you guys feel Smackdown is desperately lacking without him? The best part of Smackdown lately has been the Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara matches against Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. Who else agrees? Opinions?

I want a garden frog?

You don't want a frog. Frogs can't live where there is no water. What you want is a garden toad to eat all the bugs that eat the plants

Does he actually .....CARE???? HELP@!?

so ive known this guy for about 6 months and well to begin with he is so cute but when i first started toknow him he seemed like a player and one of those guys that are intersted in smoking which is not the best attractive thing about it.// well he would say about his one nighters and crap and i hated that now couple days ago are familys and i went to a concert he sat next to him.. and he would flirt and ask me about the type of guys i liked and he would like bumbp his leg towards mine and make me say do stupid stuff lol and he seemed shy and just wanting to get to know me better he said he waned to hang out but it seems like he knows im not that kind of girl... idk is he just trying to get in my pants or actually likeing me

Friday, August 5, 2011

In the middle of a 26 yr long family fued?

My entire life there has been a big line drawn in my family. My sister chose to live with my dad in ID at age 9 and I chose to live with my mom in WA. My sister never visited my mom as children growing up. As adults my mom tried to hold on to the thin relationship with my sister but my sister had no desire to have a relationship and she cut all ties with my mom about 8 yrs ago. My dad has always been a horrible father, he was abusive physically and emotionally so I was never close to him but I tried because he is my dad. Well here we are, Im 26 my sister is 30 and I feel like I am stuck in the middle of this silent but vicious family feud. I now live in ID and I remain close to my mom even though she still lives in WA. We talk every week and I try and visit her during spring breaks, summer vacation, and sometimes Christmas. My sister refuses to acknowledge her exisitence but then hammers me with questions when I come back from seeing her. Around birthdays or holidays there is always an onslaught of questions about whether I received a phone call/gifts etc. I always do but I hate being cornered. My mom tried for many years to acknowledge my sister on her bday as well as her kids bdays but she refused to answer the phone and she would send the gifts back always with a nasty response like"we dont need your trash" so my mom stopped. I have no contact with my dad or my paternal grandma and my sister is very close with them but I never inquire about their attention to her vs. their lack of attn for me because I honestly dont care. I told my sister life is too short to harbor bitter feelings toward mom just because of lies my dad has told her and frankly I'm tired of her always lashing out about how worthless my mom is. How can I mend this bitter irrational hatred my sister has toward our mother?

I want simple animation to show how temperature triggers plant phenology?

it may be a video or an animation which show sun and a plant. when sun shine it triggers different phenological activity like leafing, flowering and fruiting.

My Conure refuses to eat! help!! :/?

Hello, my conure which is around 11 months old! i got him like a week ago from a previous owner .the problem is he is hungry and i can see him beg for food yet he refuses to eat everything!! i gave him pellets, mix seeds, sun flower seeds, veggies and fruits! he doesn't touch anything but he does force him self to eat some sunflower seeds!! but for a small portion! so he does not eat and he drinks a lot of water which i think its the reason behind little amounts of small droppings (little of separated feces, Lots of urine mixed with the urates)...i cant contact his previous owner so that i could ask him what his diet was!! ... so Please help!! what should i do!?

I love her but she has a boyfriend help!?

Sorry if it might be bit long..So now she has a boyfriend hes nepalese the girl is english im not being racist or anything just saying :) so they are together for about 2 months now but it already doesnt look like it wont last long...well to me obviously because i love her but...this guy hes my mate btw..he had 5 girlfriends before..he cheated on all of the girl comes and cries on my shoulder every single time there is something wrong...she was telling me that im perfect for her,that she likes me more than i think,that im special and unique for her,she kissed me as well (only on the cheek doesnt really matter i guess thats normal ) she says im her best friend. She talks to me more than her boyfriend. She hangs out with me more than her boyfriend. When we went out it was supposed to be just us 3 and i said just go with your boyfriend because its weird for me to go you guys know why you know a couple there and than me :/ so i said just you two go and have fun :) and she goes we'll just go another because she really wants me to go...we went to a party...she danced with me instead of her boyfriend i told her to go dance with him or all 3 of us dance but she said leave him and just dance with me..we talk every single day..literally...and for the whole day...literally ! from like 10 in the morning until we go to sleep..i really love her...i dont want to let her go :/ but i dont want to ruin their relationship either help please?!!! how can i show her that im the "perfect" guy for her? i mean im there for her all the time i help her with whatever happens i buy her flowers just randomly and give it to her she asks me why i just say because your awesome and she doesnt mind she really likes it its just the fact that i really really love her and i hope she does too :( and i already told her that i fancy her that i like her more than anyone and all this stuff but i never actually said i LOVE you to her so shall i say i love her or just keep her at that i really like her and stuff? she's already sending my <3's when texting and stuff i just looked at the phone we are on 5100 3 months? :)))) p.s. we have a lot in common as well! literally a lot! :P she has dreams with me kissing her and us going out but i dont know i dont wanna ruin their relationship by asking her out :/

What kind of flowers (annuals) will be blooming the last week of July?

I am planning a wedding shower for my brother and his fiancee. I want to do centerpieces using some annuals planted in these cute little tins and buckets. I want to know what kind of short-medium sized flowers will be the best blooming for the end of July that I can get at a nursery. Want to have flowers, but don't want the florist... The date of the event is the 30th.

HELP!!! Am I a horrible person? ?

Aww that's so sweet ^.^ But you are not a bad person at all. You have to tell him to talk to his mom or the both of you talk to her. She need to know that her son will fall in love and he want's that to happen. He want's to be happy and on his own. Just talk to here and tell her how much you love each other.

HELP!!! what is the name of this movie?

i have never seen this whole movie but my uncle was watching it and i really waned to know what it was called... it is a movie (from what i saw) about a girl who is like reall scary..she has this guy friend and whenever they kiss she does something weird one time they were making out and she bit him and started sucking his blood then she ended up killing him because he thought she was weird... and whever she met anyone and they thought she was weird she would feel hurt and kill them oh and there is a doll included like this creepy doll who always seem to show up. and the girl once was rubbung her eyes to the point that she like scratched her eyes like kinda out it was really weird just wanted to know what it was called

POLL: Should Slater and Gabriel win the tag titles again, then feud with DiBiase and Rhodes?

Definitely, especially considering those two superstars worked better and got over on NXT Season 1 as babyfaces compared to how they're getting over as heels. In my opinion a program on Smackdown with Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel feuding with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase sounds alot more interesting than watching them compete with The Usos all the time. So yeah I'd like to see a future feud involving them compete with Legacy over the Tag Team titles, maybe bring back a little prestige to the titles as well.

Does WWE want us to forget Cena and ortons past?

Just look at it this way.John Cena & Randy Orton had a feud, plenty of bad blood between the two of them.They costed each other championships, won championships from one another, gave each other injuries, shortening their careers, & other circumstances.After the two had a great, classic feud that took place on RAW for a long length of time, for over a year, WWE felt like there was no feuds left between the two.Randy Orton turns face, eventually teaming up with his former arch enemy, John Cena.When this tag team match took place, they would acknowledge that Randy Orton & John Cena were previously enemies, stating that they may or may not work together.

How long have you been watching wrestling?

I started watching on the July 26,2004 edition of RAW up until around Unforgiven 2005 and then I stopped watching.I started watching again on January 7,2007 which was New Year's Revolution and I stopped watching again at Wrestlemania 25.I watch Wrestlemania 25 but then just stopped.I then started watching again at Fatal 4-Way 2010 and I still watch it now

Is he too old for me?

get use to being at home alone with him. with your age and his age, he isn't likely to show you off as most will label him a pedophile. even when you get 18, people will still frown on your ages. I have no problem with younger women-older men, but I know how judgmental people will be. be warned but don't give up.

First Query Letter: Does it sound alright?

I would say that is a good first query letter. It gives the pertinent information right in the first paragraph and the bulk of the story. The only thing is you can tell the ending. This is a blurb but it is also the initial introduction of your manuscript to the literary agent / editor/ publisher. Including the ending is alright as they need to know if it is going to be something they wish to invest a little more time in. (at least I've heard it is ideal to include all the mysteries, twists and turns).

Am i the only one who preferred the Rudderless Aggression Era then the overrated Attitude Era?

how can you compare the old era to the great attitude era. the attitude era had alot of great superstars from the rock all the way to stone cold and in order the attitude era was great now the current era were in is pointless their only wrestling to entertain kids

How do i trigger the gracedia flower in Pokemon Heart Gold at the Flower Shop?

i have a legit shaymin that i got from Oak's Letter and caught it at flower paradise, WHICH TOOK FOREVER hahah, but anyway i traded it to heartgold to train, and when i brought it to the flower shop in goldenrod, nothing happened. now i saw that it can be from the gamestop event too, but i also saw people who got the flower when they caught it at flower paradise in PDPT as well, helpp!

So, What Will Be The Next Divas Championship Feud/?

Kelly Kelly finally won the title, gorgeous and improved talent and imo better then the Bellas..Who will she face? We know Brie will get her rematch and more then likely lose the rematch so that leaves RAW's only heel divas Maryse & Melina left, do you think one of them 2 will step up their game and face Kelly? Id like to see a Kelly Vs. Melina feud badly because we've had Maryse Vs. Kelly. Or what about Beth making a heel turn and face Kelly Kelly? Who do you think will be next and why?

Would it be too much to have the border patrol from nwa join tna to feud with mexican america?

I would rather see the State Patrol SGT Buddy Lee Parker write them some tickets for disturbing the peace.

What flowers to use for filler in my bouquet?

For my wedding, I want my bouquet to have daffodils and daisies in it, but I want it to be a cascading bouquet, so what should I use with filler? I was thinking about ivy but would that look weird? My color scheme is lavender and yellow but I don't necessarily require the lavender to be in the bouquet.

All songs in korean drama, Boys Over Flowers?

i love ALL the songs they play so im asking if you could name them all [: especially in episode 21! thank you so much (:

Care for a type of ivy plant which I believe is English ivy?

I purchased this beautiful ivy plant about a month ago. It was very full with smallish pointy leaves. I thought it was needlepoint ivy, but now I'm not sure. Anyway, it was doing extremely well. I had it in a raised container in the middle of my dining room table. I can adjust the degree of light by opening and closing the blinds. I left them partially opened to receive great bright morning light and dimmer afternoon light. Now, it appears to be "drying up" from the center of the plant and shedding leaves so that I can just reach in and pick them off all dried up. The soil is still moist from watering a week ago. What oh what I am I doing wrong. I love that plant but fear it is on the wane. Any advice?

Is Alex Riley main event?

He was really entertaining during the tornado match last night, but will he just stay near the mainish event for now until his feud is over with The Miz, or will he move up to be a new heel? Or is he more of the babyface wrestler?

Having difficulty with my emotions today and could use some insight from those who understand, please?

I would just try and find a couple of really close friends and just try picking up a hobby and meeting people through that. and your single situation try an online dating service. Hope this helps and Good luck

Help with a movie title i forgot?

ok i know its vague in all but i need help and it is NOT lord of the rings im 20 and i watched this movie when i was young and also it was not a series anyway here is the best i can describe ok so when i was younger i watched a movie and i wane to see it again but i dont know the title plz help its bout a few ppl mainly a girl and a boy or 2 im not sure how many and its based on a magical world um they r extremly superstitous in the movie with black cats, walking under ladder, mirrors, you know the whole bad luck good luck it had goblins and trols and other mythical creatures i cant remember them all in it um about the most prominant feature i can remeber off the top of my head is it was on VHS and it was in 2 or 3 parts and the total movie was somewhere round 8 or so hours long i know it was a very long movie for its time and they had 2 make 2 tapes if not more just to fit the whole movie into a set and it is only one movie just to big to put into one single tape and i know its not much to go on but how many movies are 8+ hours long so um plz help me any and all titles you can think of would b greatly appriciated

Simple yet nice hair suggestions. PLEASE HELP?

Beach waves!!! Look up tutorials on YouTube!! If you do them right they will look classy and cute!!!

What do you think of this poem?

Great. My only advice is that the first couplet's rhyme seemed forced. Other than that good job. I like it.

I want a animation to show how temperature trigger or start different phenological acitivity?

i want a video or animation to show or explain how sunlight trigger leafing, flowering and fruiting of plant/tree. it may be simple to understand

Thursday, August 4, 2011

HELP!!!!!! does he really like me?

so im friends with this guy and we only hang out when ever are parents hang out and we went to a concert together acouple days ago.. and im kinda confused ... he sat next to me and he would flirt like touch my leg or ask me questions about guys... and he would tell me he waned to hang out, or he would make me do say things to be funny... but then he would ask be if a girls is hot and that threw me off a little ...why would he ask me that... so we both started pointing out people for eachother.... idk if he only wants to be friends>>>>

Who do you expect Dolph Ziggler to feud with now that he is the United States champion ?

Yeah an Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler feud over the United States Championship would definitely be classic to see. I can already see these two putting entertaining fast paced matches on Raw and maybe even at Summerslam of this year. You have a good worker in Evan Bourne who is reliable when putting good exciting matches going against Dolph Ziggler, who's good with working with smaller workers (ex: Daniel Bryan & Kaval in 2010) So yeah hopefully a feud Evan "Air" Bourne develop, or if not turn Jack Swagger face already and make them feud over the US title.

Wrestling section why do people say John Cena and Hulk Hogan are alike when Cena's a better human being?

Seeing that John Cena has not gotten into trouble with his wife, I would say he is better person. But when Hulk was cena's age, how good was he with his wife.