Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do you react when you feel your significant other disrespects you?

I was just curious as to what other people's reactions are. My boyfriend is usually a great guy but sometimes, usually around his guy friends, he says things that I believe to be inappropriate. It is usually remarks about other women or something to that effect. When this occurs, I feel slighted and can feel my affection for him wane. I become withdrawn and cold, I don't want to talk. I don't believe this to be an issue about insecurity, I can acknowledge that there are indeed other beautiful women in the world and that my boyfriend is going to be attracted to some of them. I just don't believe that he needs to acknowledge it in my presence or that he could word it differently so as not to offend me. I would never speak about another man, in that way, around him so I expect the same. Ordinarily, I usually get over these "incidents" in a pretty short amount of time, my boyfriend never really knowing outright what I'm upset over or even that I'm upset but he can sense from my behavior that something is amiss. Other than his remarks, I think he is a great guy and I can overcome the hurt I feel from these "incidents" because of how great he is in other aspects of our relationship. I was just wondering how other people would react to a situation like this and if anyone had recommendations for how I could handle this. I am not a confrontational person and I don't believe that I should have to tell my boyfriend when he does something "wrong" unless he is unaware that it is unacceptable.

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