Thursday, August 11, 2011

WWE '12 Wishlist; Do you agree? What would you add / take away?

Dude, you do rrealiseTHQ cannot put all of this in one game for the simple fact that WWE basically only gives them a year to spit out these games. Its not like they want to release an unfisnished game. They have to or they dont get their money. So the reason they cant put all of this in the game is because they simply dont have the time. Now If you ask me. I think they just need to go back to the smackdown controls all together and just bring back those old match types. I honestly dont care if they have to take out certain things or hell even tone down the graphics or whatever. But bring back the old GM mode and season mode. I like the idea of rtwm but it just sucks you can only play 3 months of WWE programming. WWE Universe mode is cool but really imo it isnt necassary. You might as well take it out and replace it with GM mode. Just go back to what made the games fun in the first place. We dont need these different controls. I think THQ thinks they have to be bold and different every year when the truth is, they just need to go back in time to what made these games rock, they dont need to add all this extra stuff to make it "realistic" I dont need a realistic wrestling game. If I wanted realism, Id go train to be a wrestler. Thats why I go to video games, to escape reality. Any way, yea thats basically my wish list

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