Monday, August 8, 2011

Left My fiance for and Airman....?

three months ago i left my fiance for an airman. I have known the airman for 3 years a year longer than i knew my fiance. We had always been great friends but there was always feelings deeper than just friendship between us and we both knew that...but because he was always deploying I decided that I couldn't deal with that at that point in my life so we remained friends..the airman has always been so sweet to me and even when i told him i was engaged he wished me the best and said he just waned me to be happy even though he wanted me....Soon after i was engaged though my fiance turned into someone i didnt even recognize. He became really mean and started talking down to me all the time...He would tell me how i couldnt and couldnt spend my money and always try to make me look stupid in front of his friends and family..he began to turn into someone i didnt the time my airman was deployed to Kuwait...we talked online often because well we were still friends....i told him what was going on and he told me that I didnt deserve that at all...we talked more and more as his deployment went on and he told me that if i wanted to be with him to meet him at the airport when he came home....and i did just far our relationship has been so amazing..but my friends are constantly giving me hell for breaking things off with my fiance..was I in the wrong for doing this??? or was it a smart move to make?

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