Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who else agrees that Smackdown is hurting without Edge?

As some of you may know, Orton was promoted to being positioned as the new face of Smackdown, due to Edge's sudden retirement. But apparently speaking in a quiet, terse tone, randomly hitting an extremely overrated finisher, and walking around with an over used gimmick isn't cutting it. Christian is good as a heel, but it does seem he may be lacking a certain "it" factor. Or, it seems that way due to having him feud with personality-less Randy Orton. But anyway, ALSO due to the fact that in the past year in addition to Edge, WWE lost Batista, Shawn Michaels, and since Taker and HHH are on a hiatus, there is no one else to fill the role. Now on to my question. Edge had it all. He had charisma, character, he was a really good wrestler, and he could put anyone over. So, don't you guys feel Smackdown is desperately lacking without him? The best part of Smackdown lately has been the Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara matches against Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. Who else agrees? Opinions?

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