Thursday, August 11, 2011

How are men affected by abortions?

How do they feel about them? How do they feel about seeing their significant other going through it? I had a friend that went and had an abortion recently. It seems as if she did it because her man was going to be miserable having a child, even though they don't have any children at all. According to her he didn't discuss with her how it would effect her or the relationship, but he left it up to her to decide but waned her that he would be miserable having a child and that their life would be "over". After she had the abortion he seemed to be happy, but obviously she wasn't. She tells me he just sort of sits back as she cries in her bed and doesn't seems to know what to do. I feel like she dated someone who wasn't mature enough in the first place to think about how it would effect her if he really cared about her. But anyways...this made think of do men feel about abortions?

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